Rutland Flower Show 2025

Competition entries
are now live!

Competition entries are now live!

How to enter a Competition.

Step 1: Pick Your Classes. Look through the competition schedules (see buttons below) and decide which class(es) you would like to enter. You may enter as many different classes as you wish but are restricted to one entry per class. Check that you understand and meet the criteria for the class (e.g. do you have to be an amateur to enter, can you enter as a group or an individual, is there an age limit, how many specimens are required for the class, is there a theme, etc.?). Entries that do not meet the class-specific criteria will be disqualified.

Step 2: Complete an Entry Form submitted through the button below. Entry Form Deadlines: Competition Categories A to B: Sunday 1st June 2025. Competition Categories C to M: Friday 8th August 2025.

Step 3: Submit Supporting Documents For Categories A and B (Show Gardens and Planting Design). A separate email will be sent on competition of the eForm for submission.

Step 4: Build or Deliver Your Competition Entry. See specific competition regulations for details of build-up and delivery dates in the appropriate manual. Any entry fees will be payable on delivery of your competition entry. Show Gardens, Planted Borders, and Trade Stands to be ready for judging by 5pm on Thursday 14th August 2025. Competition Marquee entries to be ready for judging by 8.30am on Friday 15th August 2025.